Exclusive Sell-side: Nashville PredatorsJULY 2020 | Greenwich Advisory & Company (“GA”) was the Exclusive Sell-side Advisor to Cighockey Partners for the sale of a Limited...
Top 100 People in FinanceMARCH 2020 | Richard “Rick” Perna of Greenwich Advisory & Company has been selected as One of the Top 100 People in Finance in March...
Exclusive Sell-side Advisor: Minnesota WildJANUARY 2020 | Greenwich Advisory & Company Acted as the Exclusive Sell-side M&A Advisor for the Sale of a Limited Partnership Interest...
Exclusive Sell-side Advisor: Nashville PredatorsAPRIL 2019 | Greenwich Advisory & Company (“GA”) was the Exclusive Sell-side Advisor to Cighockey Partners for the sale of a Limited...